Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beyond Theorizon: Holographic Hagbard and Finnegan Rise.

Beyond Theorizon: Holographic Hagbard and Finnegan Rise. By Steven James Pratt.

On my 34th Birthday last week I had many epiphanies, including the news about the Icelandic Volcano. Over a webchat with a friend I got wind that my transcribed interview with Saul Paul Sirag was linked from Jack Sarfatti’s web site Stardrive.org.

After checking out the new site only three days ago I have been propelled into the world of Sarfatti physics and his cutting edge research. I met Jack 10 years ago in North Beach when I was on my American adventure to discover more about Dr. Robert Anton Wilson. Jack was kind enough to invite me to his apartment where I conducted the interview with Saul.

Since the emergence of the Maybelogic Academy my studies have drifted away from physics toward a more comprehensive study of literature, poetry, alternative economics, NonEuclidean politics and some tenets of discordianism.

Since revisiting Jack Sarfatti’s stardrive website recently, that I used to visit since I first surfed the information superhighway back in the mid 1990’s; a series of new thoughts concerning Sarfatti physics, RAW cybernetics and the Physics of Joyce’s Finnegans Wake have emerged.

In some sense RAW felt that Finnegans Wake and other sorts of special writing including his own, reflect the 'Holographic Models' developed by David Bohm. I propose furthermore that FW provides humanity with the first, culturally relative model for the ‘holographic principle’ as defined by Hooft, Susskind, Sarfatti and others on the cutting axis of physics consciousness cosmology research.

I view Finnegans Wake as a manual to the 'Holographic Principle', a textual hologram crafted between 88-70 years ago. A hologramic prose tool that aggregates history into a kind of black hole environment, contorted structure, noneuclidean geometry, quantum tunneling, from which emerge a constellation of treasures (Adams and Eifs) entangled with balanced equations of non-ordinary spaces, pairs, quarts, vectors, orbifolds.

Entangled and consciously balanced and ordered? yet seemingly chaotically represented as a text? Each sentence and almost every word (etym) preserves the holographic principle. And I feel preserves the general condition of humanity shouting and grunting from the streets, I think, maybe due to Vico's influence and Bruno?

James Joyce translates the Holographic principle into a Grand Unified Theory of Universe. Life as Novel structures. Reduced to etyms and ifs, yet all holographically reflective. Forcing us somewhat to enter the flux and paradox at the helm of the conscious Pilot wave, setting keel to breakers, turning the world word inside out, compressing equivalence and complemetarity everywhere and nowhere throughin’ the text itself, the reader and writer, or the speaker and composer fuse within a higher dimensional spacetime. Orbififolded dimensions hidden with Rhyme-trace and the potential of___

I see a parallel in the writing of Jack Sarfatti, and many physicists and mathematicians, scientists in the best sense of the word, are often bound up to principles' that can be verified, although Jack is often buzzing about the fringe of the theoretical and experimental hypercube, bridge building and unifying, generalizing. Like Joyce, Jack Sarfatti invokes the principle architects and cornerstones of his theories as textual and symbolic demonstrations and communications.

This process reflects good research based thinking and I commend those who keep up rigorous operationalist language in their statements, defined by experimental data and experiential data, somewhat balanced. Dr. John C. Lilly like RAW, presents balanced communications when dealing with complex and widely misunderstood concepts, this balanced communication attracts informed questions while providing working models upon which to hang independent research in ‘fringe’ areas of science such as ‘paranormal’ studies, Ufology, multiworlds, Timetravel etc...Finnegans Wake studies?

RAW introduced me to Jack by way of his books (Cosmic Trigger) and ever since then I have followed his work as best I can although up until now I have not thought much about Sarfatti physics and Finnegans Wake, up until a few days ago when I noticed the shift in physics, or group recognition of the Holographic Principle.

My intuition and reasoning tell me that the Holographic Principle in cosmology is perhaps isomorphic to some of Dr. Robert Anton Wilson’s ideas and models of ‘reality’ or interacting processing, and his thoughts about Finnegans Wake and what he liked to call HOLOGRAPHIC PROSE, that are spread throughout his 36 book. I call for a great study into this field of Holographic Prose', similar in scale to the Ray Kurzweil inspired Sungularity University.

May we enrich the whole, love, steve fly.

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